Singing Guide: Limp Bizkit

Singing Guide: Limp Bizkit

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Fred Durst is the voice behind the band Limp Bizkit. His raw, intense style is one that is hard to imitate, but it is not impossible to learn from him. In this article, we'll provide some tips that will help you sound like Fred Durst, and we'll also explore relevant Singing Carrots resources that can assist you in this endeavor.

Tips on Singing Like Fred Durst

Embrace Your Inner Angst

Limp Bizkit's songs are known for their angry, in-your-face lyrics and delivery. To sound like Fred Durst, you'll need to tap into that same intensity. Let your emotions flow freely and don't hold anything back. Don't be afraid to let out a scream or a growl if the song calls for it.

Develop Your Chest Voice

Fred Durst's singing style relies heavily on his chest voice, particularly when he's shouting or screaming. This means you'll need to work on strengthening your chest voice if you want to sound like him.

Work on Your Breathing Techniques

Good breathing techniques are essential if you want to sing like Fred Durst. Pay attention to your breath and make sure you're taking deep, controlled breaths. This will help you sustain those long notes and deliver those powerful screams.

Choose Suitable Songs

To sound like Fred Durst, it's essential to choose songs that highlight his unique vocal style. Songs like "Break Stuff" and "Rollin'" are great examples that showcase his raw, intense energy.

Singing Carrots Resources:

Vocal Pitch Monitor

One tool that can help you determine your range and pitch accuracy is the Vocal Pitch Monitor. It shows you the notes you're hitting on a virtual piano so you can see where you need to improve and adjust your pitch accordingly.

Pitch Training

Pitch Training is another excellent resource that can help you improve your pitch accuracy. The interactive exercises allow you to practice pitch in a fun and engaging way. Check out Pitch Training.

Limp Bizkit And Vocal Range

If you want to learn more about Fred Durst's vocal range and how he uses it to create his unique sound, check out the Vocal Ranges of Famous Singers.

Vocal Health

It's essential to take care of your voice, especially if you're trying to imitate Fred Durst's intense singing style. The Vocal Health article provides tons of tips to help you avoid vocal damage and maintain good vocal health.

Chest Voice

Since Fred Durst's singing style heavily relies on chest voice, the Chest Voice Explained Video is a must-see for anyone striving to sound like him.


Incorporating Twang into your singing can help you achieve the gritty, in-your-face sound you hear in Limp Bizkit songs. The How to Twang Exercise Video can show you how to develop this technique.

Vocal Distortion & Growling

Learning how to growl and produce vocal distortion can add extra grittiness to your sound and put you on track to sounding like Fred Durst. Check out the Vocal Distortion and Growling Article to learn more.

Warm-Up Exercises

A good warm-up is essential before any singing session. The 3 Minute Warm-Up Video gets your voice ready to go and helps you prevent injury.

Now that you know the tips to start singing like Fred Durst, and we've highlighted the Singing Carrots resources that can help you achieve that sound, let the energy flow, let's rock and... keep rollin', rollin', rollin'.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.